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Welcome Brothers and Guests!

The National Capital Chi Phi Club

This is Chi Phi in the Baltimore - Washington area. Since 1980 the National Capital Chi Phi Club (NCCPC) has worked to bring together Chi Phi Brothers in the Baltimore - Washington region & support our area chapters at Towson University and The University of Maryland

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About Us

Who are we?

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We are the various organizations of Chi Phi in the Greater Baltimore-Washington Region. We are the local Chapters at Towson UniversityThe University of Maryland; we are the National Capital Chi Phi Club (NCCPC); we are the Alumni Brothers from George Mason University; we are the alumni associations in the area; we are just Chi Phi's in the region looking to reach out and meet with one another. Our active organizations include:

Towson University

Founded in 2015 and Chartered in 2016. Award winning and CAP Certified.

Towson Chi Phi Logo Flat 2020
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The Chi Phi Club

Because you can never leave the family. Come out for libations & stay for the memories.

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University of Maryland

Gentlemen, Schollars .. since 2001 the land of the Terps has called Chi Phi Friend. Chartered 2003.

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Join the NCCPC Facebook Group!

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Join us on our Facebook page for news and events. To really get in on the action, join our Facebook Group and chat directly with other Chi Phi's in the DC area!

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